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How to register a domain name?

If you want to start your own blog or website, the first thing you would need is to register a domain name. This leads us to a question, what is a domain name? Domain name is the address where your website visitors can access your website. In a bit more technical...

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Software Testing Interview Questions – Part 3

What do you think is the best strategy to apply if there isn’t enough time for testing?At what stage does User Acceptance Testing come into picture on software testing?When will we know that testing is complete?How to ensure that a bug has been fixed? Get answers to all such questions and more

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What is WordPress?

WordPress is an open source, free and one of the most powerful Content Management Systems (CMS). It is based on a popular server side programming language PHP and MySQL database. WordPress was first introduced in 2003 and quickly became a prominent CMS platform.

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Difference Between QA and QC

Difference between Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) In IT industry, people often confuse quality assurance with quality control. This article will differentiate Quality Assurance and Quality control.

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What is Software Testing

Software testing is a process where a software tester/team runs a program or a system to find bugs or defects, to maintain the correctness and reliability of a program. Software testing also validates and verifies the program to check if the business and technical requirements are met, and is working as expected.

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